Living Water Healing Ministries
The Call to Duty


Join Apostle Cheryl Baker Tuesday evenings 8:00 pm EST for "The Real Thing" teaching series on Facebook, Periscope and YouTube, bringing you hot topics on the supernatural that affect the Body of Yeshua that many have no explanation for or do not know whom to speak with to get answers.

You will be amazed at what Believers encounter.  Tune in to become informed, encouraged,  and empowered.  Your freedom and destiny awaits you!

Failure is NOT an Option!!!

Ministry on the Move

Ministering to the spiritual needs of women that are homeless, broken and forgotten

Liberty Christian Counseling Services

Ministering to the Needs of the Body of Messiah through His Word, that brings healing, deliverance and restoration of His joy and peace

Copyright © 2013 Living Water Healing Ministries, Inc.

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